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Hello hello!

Summer is in full swing and I just got back from the most beautiful extended weekend in Montréal. Saturday was gorgeous and we had a delicious lunch at Le Cartet (so good! please go if you're ever there). We walked around a little before napping at our hotel, Le Petit Hôtel which is tiny and oh so adorable. The people are so nice, cappuccinos so good and rooms gorgeous. We rented bikes and biked along the canal. People were enjoying the nice weather everywhere; sunbathing, biking, running, everything! We had dinner at Bocata and had the nicest, most stylish waitress I've ever had.

Sunday was not as nice, but we didn't let that stop us from enjoying the city. We had breakfast at the hotel before playing tennis at the Mount Royal Tennis Club. We had lunch outside at Boris Bistro and then took at taxi to Simons which I adored. It's nicer than American department stores, but still cheap so I got some sunglasses, a beige skirt and a corduroy skirt. We had dinner at Verses which was good and then went to sleep because we were exhausted.

Monday was our last day and we had breakfast at the hotel again. We visited L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph (we were going to go to a museum, but my little brother was not in favor of that so we chose this beautiful church instead). We grabbed a quick lunch at Le Petit Dep and some cute lunch containers at Lunch a Porter and we were off!

Overall, Montréal was incredible and I would highly recommend it (it's like NYC and Paris combined).



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