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La Maison

I adore decorating. Collecting inspiration from other homes and spaces is so fun to me, having to put together different pieces into one cohesive set. Ah! I just love it. Here are some of favorite interiors {and one pool because I just couldn't resist...}.

{Left to right, top to bottom}

Pink is such a fun color and it adds a nice pop of color {without too much color} to any room. Plus, velvet is my newest obsession, especially with chairs and couches. I would pop these chairs into a sitting area or even an entrance way for an eye-catching piece.

Moving on to an outdoor entrance, white stairs give a space a Mediterranean feel and dark plants give the space a nice contrast.

How amazing are these cool chairs? Incroyable! They will amaze guests with their honeycomb pattern, but they also do not attract too much attention.

Traditional pieces like an ornate rug or a classic couch can transform a space. Put them together with a classic chandelier and a really classy room emerges.

Believe it or not, bathrooms are one of my favorite spaces. They offer so much possibility and since we spend so much time in them we may as well have them look nice. This one has classic tile and a huge mirror which is a must. The bathtub is also gorgeous and a nice addition to any bathroom.

Here is the promised pool! I adore them >> which I'm sure you already know... If you have room to add one to your house it is a nice way to cool down, relax, and get some exercise. {Plus, feel free to invite me over to try it out}

Huge pieces of art {any art really} makes a space truly special. I love pieces that are more on the abstract side and ones like this light blue and white one don't take away the attention from the room, they just blend nicely into it.

Window! They are the best part of a room and lighting really does make or break a space. I love giant ones that are easy to see out of, especially when there is an interesting view.



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