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Frankie B.

Today we have a special interview with one of our favorite bloggers Frankie Bradford from Auckland! We found Frankie on Instagram and ever since have loved her lovely blog.

Romey: Frankie, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Frankie: Hello! My name is Frankie and I am a 15-year old that lives in Auckland New Zealand. I love pretty things, great design, old buildings, reading, making and creating.

Cade: How did you get into blogging?

Frankie: I read so many blogs that were all made by people of different ages and backgrounds and I thought I could give it a try. I did a bit of research on how to start a blog and set it up with WordPress. I think I was about 13/14? My first post was a "what's in my beauty bag!" My blog was a year old last month!

Romey: What inspires you / what is your creative process for making a blogpost?

Frankie: I get inspired by almost everything. The brands and creatives that I follow on Instagram are constant sources and I am on Pinterest all the time. Images really inspire me. I try to keep my posts original, I want to offer people something different. If I get inspired by something I read, see or watch I think "If I like this how can it inspire my own work". My creative process is quite hard to explain!

Cade: How would you describe your style?

Frankie: My style changes all the time. At the moment I am really into French fashion, 70's, 80's and 90's movies and clothes, flowers, blush pink, orange, shadow, picnics. The warmer weather is slowly approaching here in Auckland and I can't wait for Summer!

Cade: Where do you want to travel someday?

Frankie: Oh, I want to travel everywhere! Hawaii, Melbourne, Sweden, Bali, Japan, Amsterdam, The Bahamas. Europe and tropical Islands are my top picks!

That's all for now, but we have a collaboration with Frankie coming soon...


Romey et Cade

All of these amazing photos were taken by Frankie! Follow her blog here and her Instagram here!

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